Author Information
Submit your abstracts through the following email :
Format for Abstract:
The Abstract should be created in MS word using Times New Roman font, not exceeding 300 words. Title (14 point, bold, centred), authors name and address (12 point), main text (10 point). References (9 point):
Das, P. J.; Paul, R. Synlet, 2010, 5, 2435. (ACS format)
Poster Presentation:
The space available for each poster would be of maximum 80cm width and 100cm height. Each poster will be allocated a number, which will be marked on the top of the poster board by the organizers. The poster should indicate its title, authors (underline the name of the presenting author and include his/her email id) and their affiliations, followed by the Introduction, Results, Conclusions and Acknowledgements (if any).
Registration Link:
Payment Account Details-
Bank Name: Axis Bank
Branch: Khanapara
Account Holder Name: Assam Don Bosco University
Account No.: 922010012834978
IFSC code: UTIB0001297