Comparison of Protein interaction with different shaped PbS nanoparticles
and Corona formation
Different shaped PbS nanoparticles are synthesized at room temperature by using reagents Lead Chloride, Sulfur powder, and Sodium borohydride in the Ethylene Diamine medium. Sodium borohydride is acted as a reducing agent, whereas Ethylene Diamine is used as a capping agent. The grown PbS nanoparticles are spherical (7 nm size) for the stoichiometric ratio of PbCl 2 , S, NaBH 4 is 1 : 1 : 1, and grown PbS nanoparticles are cubical shape (13 nm size) for the stoichiometric ratio of PbCl 2 , S, NaBH 4 is 1 : 1 : 3. The grown PbS nanoparticles are characterized by structurally and optically. The interaction and formation of the bio-conjugate of bovine serum albumin with PbS nanomaterials are studied for biomedical application. The interaction, complex-ion process, and conformational changes of bovine serum albumin with PbS nanomaterials are quantified by the photophysical and structural study. PbS nanomaterials enable the aggregation of bovine serum albumin by the way of unfolding. The interaction, as well as the formation of bio-conjugate of albumin and PbS nanoparticles, is investigated using optical spectroscopy, HRTEM. UV-VIS-NIR shows the binding process that occurred between albumin and PbS samples.