Showing: 11 - 20 of 26 RESULTS
Plasma PhysicsTiMP 2021PL052 | Nipan Das

PL052 | Nipan Das

Programmable Electro-Mechanical Dust Dispenser for Dusty Plasma Experimental Device An electro-mechanical dust dispenser has been designed and developed for dropping dust into the plasma in dusty plasma experimental setup. Mechanical setup of the dust dispenser has been developed and fabricated in the laboratory. The frequency of vibration and amplitude of the developed dust dispenser can …

Plasma PhysicsTiMP 2021PL050 | Kishor Deka

PL050 | Kishor Deka

Study of a dusty plasma sheath in presence of a non-uniform magnetic field In plasma processing devices, negatively charged dust particles appear as contamination in etching, sputtering, and deposition processes. The dynamics of the dust particles at the edge region of the plasma play an important role in such processes. The present study deals with …

Plasma PhysicsTiMP 2021PL049 | Gunjan Sharma

PL049 | Gunjan Sharma

Study of Damping of Ion Acoustic Waves in Two-Electron Temperature Plasma Plasmas having more than one electron group with different temperatures and densities are frequently observed in laboratories as well as in space environment. The characteristics of this type of plasmas are found to be different than that of a normal electron-ion plasma. Such a …

Nuclear PhysicsTiMP 2021NL044 | Kuldeep Sharma

NL044 | Kuldeep Sharma

A mathematical and radiological correlation between the malignant tumour inside the cancer patient’s body and the outer body surface This is an assumption based study intends to open up mathematically the routine procedure of simulation in radiotherapy. CT Simulator uses X-rays to provide precise radiological localization of the malignant tumour inside the patient’s body. Taking …

Astrophysics & CosmologyTiMP 2021AC027 | Soma Mandal

AC027 | Soma Mandal

Transport Coefficients of Dense Stellar Plasma in Strong Magnetic Field Following an exact relativistic formalism, we study the transport properties of dense stellar electron-proton plasma in strong quantizing magnetic field. The transport coefficients, namely the coefficients of shear and bulk viscosities as well as thermal conductivity is obtained from the relativistic version of Boltzmann kinetic …

Material & NanophysicsTiMP 2021NM025 | Ashish Singh Bais

NM025 | Ashish Singh Bais

Fabrication and Characterization of Mach-Zehnder Interferometer on a single chip Mach-Zehnder and Michelson Interferometers are heart of many optical communication devices and components. These interferometers also find to be the key idea behind optical coherence tomography. On the other hand, miniaturization of these devices requires suitable waveguide design and integration of electro-optic or magneto-optic components …

Material & NanophysicsTiMP 2021NM024 | Anjan Mishra

NM024 | Anjan Mishra

Comparison of Protein interaction with different shaped PbS nanoparticlesand Corona formation Different shaped PbS nanoparticles are synthesized at room temperature by using reagents Lead Chloride, Sulfur powder, and Sodium borohydride in the Ethylene Diamine medium. Sodium borohydride is acted as a reducing agent, whereas Ethylene Diamine is used as a capping agent. The grown PbS …