Showing: 21 - 26 of 26 RESULTS
Material & NanophysicsTiMP 2021NM020 | Dipangkar Kalita

NM020 | Dipangkar Kalita

Study of electronic and lattice dynamical properties of half-Heusler RuCrP alloy In the present study, we have explored the electronic and dynamical properties of half-Heusler compound RuCrP using density functional theory (DFT) implemented in Quantum ESPRESSO package based on the plane-wave basis and pseudopotential method. The exchange-correlation energy of the electrons was treated with the …

Material & NanophysicsTiMP 2021NM017 | Santha Anciya

NM017 | Santha Anciya

Growth, Structural, Optical, Thermal and Mechanical Studies of a Novel Nickel Sulphate Doped Sulphamic Acid Single Crystals for Optical Applications A novel good quality crystal of nickel sulphate doped sulphamic acid (NSSA) has been grown by slow evaporation solution growth technique at room temperature. The single crystal XRD confirm that the grown single crystal belongs …

Material & NanophysicsTiMP 2021NM018 | Priyanka Das

NM018 | Priyanka Das

Smartphone based colorimetric analyzer for detection of phosphate in water This paper reports a low-cost, compact, field-portable smartphone based colorimetric analyzer for detection of phosphate concentration in water medium. A 3D printed cradle housing all the optical components is integrated with the built-in camera of the smartphone using which photographs of the reagent treated test …

Plasma PhysicsTiMP 2021PL013 | Gautam Saharia

PL013 | Gautam Saharia

Soliton in Inhomogeneous Plasma In laser plasma interaction, plasma is both inhomogeneous and nonlinear to large amplitude plasma waves. The large amplitude wave packet modifies the plasma density through the action of ponderomotive force. Soliton propagation and the dynamics in inhomogeneous plasma can be described by the inhomogeneous Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation. Accelerating stable pulses in …

Material & NanophysicsTiMP 2021NM006 | Bandana Gogoi

NM006 | Bandana Gogoi

Review on Magnetism in nanomaterials and Superparamagnetism Nanotechnology play prominent role in the fabrication of novel materials by controlling the structure of matter at the nanodimensional scale. The particles at the nano scale change their material properties in a dramatic way showing unique properties. In many ferromagnetic materials when the size of the particle is …